MACRO &N SWITST &OPCODE,&A .* Macro to ease Conversion from NOP/B-switches to proper flags .* expected coding: .* 1- NAME NOP LABEL (can also be a B to LABEL) .* 2- an OI/NI against NAME+1 is also expected .* 3- in the very first lines of the code a .* CODE LOCTR is expected - .* the location of the DEFS LOCTR can be anywhere later (at end) &N CLI &N._S,1 JE &A AIF ('&OPCODE' EQ 'NOP').NOP AIF ('&OPCODE' EQ 'B').B MNOTE 12,'SWITCH IS NEITHER NOP NOR B' MEXIT .NOP ANOP DEFS LOCTR &N._S DC X'00' CODE LOCTR MEXIT .B ANOP DEFS LOCTR &N._S DC X'01' CODE LOCTR MEND MACRO &N SWISET &A,&B should be a 1 or a 0 .* This is the counterpart to SWITST .* adapt it to your likes because... .* might even consider a SWISET and SWIREST &N MVI &A._S,&B MEND