1985 VM Workshop at Kansas State University

Contents of the VM Workshop tools tape for 1985

These files are in VMARC format. Download from here, then transfer to your mainframe in binary fix 80 format.

They are provided in good faith, but there is no support expressed or implied. Use them at your own risk!

        The CMS Multiple Terminal Application Monitor (MTAM) is designed
        to facilitate using the CMS  Terminal Access Method (ATAM)  with
        multiple terminals.   MTAM is intended  to provide a vehicle for
        the design and implementation of multi-user special-purpose sys-
        tems which would be uneconomical or infeasible to make available
        via  multiple virtual  machines.    Formerly  M0001V00 on  VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Mike Borkowski, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L
        3G1, (519) 885-1211
Files in M0001:  DMSIBM    UW155DMS
                 DMKHVC    UPDTMTAM
                 MTAMLIB   TXTLIB
                 ATAMLIB   TXTLIB
                 MTEST     TEXT
                 MTAM      SCRIPT
                 ATAMMTAM  SCRIPT
                 ATAM      SCRIPT
                 MTEST     PLI
                 MTEST     MODULE
                 MTAMDIR   MODULE
                 MTAMGEN   MODEL
                 MTAMLIB   MACLIB
                 MTAMGEN   MACLIB
                 ATAMLIB   MACLIB
                 MTAM      LISTING
                 ATAM      LISTING
                 MTAMGEN   EXEC
                 MTAMBLD   EXEC
                 MTAMASM   EXEC
                 ATAMASM   EXEC
                 M0001     DOCUMENT
                 SESSBLOK  COPY
                 DMSIBM    AUXUOW
                 WRCHEK    ASSEMBLE
                 TWRITE    ASSEMBLE
                 TREAD     ASSEMBLE
                 TOPNCLS   ASSEMBLE
                 TERMIO    ASSEMBLE
                 TERMINTH  ASSEMBLE
                 RDCHEK    ASSEMBLE
                 OUTSCAN   ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMWAIT  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMSTRT  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMSTOP  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMOPEN  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMON    ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMOFF   ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMIO    ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMINIT  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMHASH  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMEXT   ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMEND   ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMDIR   ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMCHOP  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMCALL  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMATTX  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAMACCT  ASSEMBLE
                 MTAM      ASSEMBLE
                 INPSCAN   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 16, 1983
Blocks: 50 1k disk blocks.
M0002:  XREF
        This package processes  a group of assemble and  update files to
        produce a cross reference listing of  the global symbols and the
        names of the modules referencing them.  This package can be used
        on any VM component (DMK,DMS etc.)   or other component (such as
        the 3705  emulator program)  which  is maintained  using control
        files and the CMS update command.   The output format is similar
        to that  used in the VM  System Logic Manual.   This  package is
        release independent.   For SP2 and  SP3.   Formerly  M0003V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Herb Weiner, Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon
        97070, (503) 685-3586
                 XREFFMT   MODULE
                 XREF      MODULE
                 XREFMAC   MACLIB
                 XREFX     EXEC
                 XREFINST  EXEC
                 XREF      EXEC
                 M0002     DOCUMENT
                 XREF      CONTROL
                 XREFFMT   ASSEMBLE
                 XREF      ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 16, 1983
Blocks: 10 1k disk blocks.
        Two EDIT macros,  $BOX and  $BRACKET,  aid in documenting CP/CMS
        commands using SCRIPT.    $BOX creates a box  for command syntax
        diagrams.   $BRACKET places groups of operands into a box,  sur-
        rounded  by square  brackets.   Documentation  can be  formatted
        using SCRIPT,   or typed without  formatting.   This  package is
        release independent.   For SP2 and  SP3.   Formerly  M0004V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Herb Weiner, Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon
        97070, (503) 685-3586
                 $MACRO    SCRIPT
                 $BRACKET  EXEC
                 $BOX      EXEC
                 M0003     DOCUMENT
Date:   November 16, 1983
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This command performs all the functions  of the IBM COMPARE com-
        mand.  In addition, the following major extensions are provided:
        (1)  this program can identify,   within the limits of available
        virtual storage, any number of inserted or deleted records. (2)
         This program  can compare files  with different  record lengths
        and/or record  formats.   Records are  padded on the  right with
        blanks where necessary.   (3) Output can be directed to the ter-
        minal, disk,  printer,  or any combination of these.   (4)  This
        program can produce  an UPDATE file suitable for  the CMS UPDATE
        command.   This update file can be used to update the first file
        to the second file.  (5) Given two CMS files with differences in
        content and/or sequence numbers and an update file which applies
        to the first file,  this program can produce an update file with
        the correct  sequence numbers to apply  the same changes  to the
        second file.  This facility has been used at Cornell to simplify
        the  task of  upgrading local  modifications  at release  change
        time.   (6)  Additional  minor enhancements.    This program  is
        release independent.   For  SP2 and SP3.   Formerly  M0005V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Herb Weiner, Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon
        97070, (503) 685-3586
                 COMPARE   MACLIB
                 COMPARE   HELP
                 M0004     DOCUMENT
                 COMPARE   CNTRL
                 COMPARE   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 16, 1983
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
        This subroutine offers essentially the  same capability as Pratt
        &  Whitney's READZERO  mod  but is  different  in two  respects.
        First,  the subroutine  is not a list of  modifications to IBCOM
        and is essentially release-independent;   and with minor changes
        (documented in the source), the same subroutine can be used with
        DOS FORTRAN.    Second,  the  ENCODE/DECODE/REREAD unit  is user
        selected;  zero works also.   There is  an option which lets the
        user specify  a maximum  lines per  page on  the printer  output
        file.  Formerly M0006V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Russell, Badger America, Inc., One Broadway, Cambridge,
        Massachusetts  02142, (617) 494-7000
                 ENDECODE  TEXT
                 M0005     DOCUMENT
                 ENDECODE  ASSEMBLE
                 ENDECODE  ABSTRACT
Date:   November 17, 1983
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This is the IBM Type 3  Fortran IV-to-PL/I F language conversion
        program.   It converts Fortran source to PL/I F.   Documentation
        has a filetype  of LISTING.   Formerly M0007V00 on VM/SP Release
        1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, Metrek Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 LCPINT    TEXT
                 LCP       TEXT
                 LCPDOC    SCRIPT
                 LCPABST   SCRIPT
                 LCP       MODULE
                 PROGRAM   LCPTEXT
                 LBLNK     LCPTEXT
                 RTPRO     LCPPLI
                 PH30      LCPPLI
                 PH20      LCPPLI
                 PH10      LCPPLI
                 NLPRO     LCPPLI
                 LTCOL     LCPPLI
                 LCPF4     LCPPLI
                 IPPRO     LCPPLI
                 IOPRO     LCPPLI
                 IFPRO     LCPPLI
                 FTPRO     LCPPLI
                 FNPRO     LCPPLI
                 DMPRO     LCPPLI
                 CAPRO     LCPPLI
                 ARPRO     LCPPLI
                 ALPRO     LCPPLI
                 JOB       LCPJCL
                 CONTROL   LCPCARDS
                 PUTTBS    LCPASM
                 LBLNK     LCPASM
                 CONVER    LCPASM
                 LCPSAMP   FORTRAN
                 LCPDUMP   EXEC
                 LCP       EXEC
                 M0006     DOCUMENT
                 LCPINT    ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 17, 1983
Blocks: 33 1k disk blocks.
        This is  SNOBOL4 Version  3.5 as  distributed by  Bell Telephone
        Laboratories  modified to  run  under CMS.    It  works with  VS
        FORTRAN,  in addition to older  FORTRANs.   Formerly M0008V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, METREK Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 SNOBOL4   TXTLIB
                 TEST3     SNOBOL4
                 TEST2     SNOBOL4
                 TEST1     SNOBOL4
                 SNOBDOC   LISTING
                 SNOBABST  LISTING
                 SNOBOL4   EXEC
                 M0007     DOCUMENT
                 SNOBINT   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 17, 1983
Blocks: 9 1k disk blocks.
        A modified  version of  the interface  routine for  GPSS V  (mod
        M00048V00 on Release 5)  which supports  HELP blocks and an EXEC
        to invoke it.   It was also necessary  to add code to the inter-
        face routine to intercept STIMER  and TTIMER requests from GPSS.
        The GPSS V EXEC uses an exec called DEFT to get temporary space.
        This is available in VMIX,  or can  be replaced by an exec which
        gets a temporary 'C' disk.    Formerly M0009V00 on VM/SP Release
        1.  For SP2.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, METREK Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 GPSSV     EXEC
                 M0008     DOCUMENT
                 GPSSV     ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 18, 1983
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
M0009:  2250'S UNDER CMS
        An abstract describing support for 2250's under CMS.  This pack-
        age is  so large  it's not  practical to  include it  in the  VM
        Library;  the listing file describes ordering procedures.   For-
        merly M0010V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, METREK Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 CMS2250   LISTING
                 M0009     DOCUMENT
Date:   November 18, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        This  macro and  subroutine  translate  data between  ASCII  and
        EBCDIC.   Translation  of data between  ASCII and EBCDIC  may be
        requested by assembler or  high level languages.   Documentation
        is a listing file and should be  printed on a printer with lower
        case characters,  or one whose  lower case characters are folded
        into upper case  characters,  or using the UPCASE  option on the
        print command.   Formerly M0012V00 on VM/SP Release 1.   For SP2
        and SP3.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, METREK Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 ASCDOC    SCRIPT
                 XLATEUOW  MACRO
                 M0010     DOCUMENT
                 ASCEBC    ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 18, 1983
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This PL/I  program produces  reports on  the activity  of DMTNPT
        links under  RSCS.   The  code should  be easily  modifiable for
        DMTSML.   Documentation is a listing  file and should be printed
        on a printer with lower case characters, or one whose lower case
        characters are folded into upper  case characters,  or using the
        UPCASE option on the print command.   Formerly M0013V00 on VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2.
Author: Gabe Goldberg, The MITRE Corporation, METREK Division, 1820
        Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 827-6000
                 RSCSDAT   PLI
                 DMTNPT    MW007DMT
                 RSCSDAT   MODULE
                 RSCSSAMP  LISTING
                 RSCSDAT   EXEC
                 M0011     DOCUMENT
Date:   November 23, 1983
Blocks: 6 1k disk blocks.
M0012 is in M0075
M0013:  CMSTMS
        This is  a package  which provides rudimentary OS  tape label
        support in  CMS,  and an interface to  record CMS  output tapes
        in either  UCC's TMS system or  Gulf's TLMS  system.
        Documentation  is in  both SCRIPT  and LISTING  formats.
        Requires  macros in  M0012-USERMAC.
        Formerly   M0016V01   on   VM/SP   Release   1.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Home Savings of America
        P.O. Box 3992, North  Hollywood, California 91609
        (213)    503-2508
              CMSTMSJB   TMS
              CMSTMSJB   TLMS
              CMSTMS     SCRIPT
              CMSTMS     LISTING
              CMSTMSJB   DUMMY
              M0013      DOCUMENT
              CMSTMS     ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 23, 1983
Blocks: 7 1k disk blocks.
        This program  will read a spooled  printer file from  the reader
        and print it retaining the original  carriage control or it will
        create a  file of type LISTING  which retains the  carriage con-
        trol.   Documentation is in the source as comments, and it has a
        built-in HELP facility.  Requires macros in M0012-USERMAC.  For-
        merly M0017V01 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 M0014     DOCUMENT
                 PRTRCVR   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 29, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        This program will read a VM directory and print it stripping out
        control information, passwords, and selected userids.  Stripping
        of passwords  and selected userids  can be bypassed  with parms.
        Printing is done one userid to a page.   Documentation is in the
        source as comments.  Formerly M0018V01 on VM/SP Release 1.   For
        SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 M0015     DOCUMENT
                 DIRLIST   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 30, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
M0016:  USERID
        This program  will get  the userid  of its  virtual machine  and
        stack it  in the CMS console  buffer.   Can be useful  in system
        execs to determine the source of the request.  Can run in either
        the user area  or the transient area.   Documentation  is in the
        source as comments.  Requires macros in M0075-USERMAC.  Formerly
        M0019V01 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 M0016     DOCUMENT
                 M0016     ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 30, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        This program  will get  the current  date and  time from  CP and
        stack it  in the CMS console  buffer.   Can be useful  in system
        execs to determine when  the request originated.   Documentation
        is in the source as comments.    An exec WAIT which uses STKTIME
        to wait for a specified time of day is also included.   Requires
        macros in M0075-USERMAC.   Formerly M0020V01 on VM/SP Release 1.
        For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 WAIT      EXEC
                 M0017V00  DOCUMENT
                 STKTIME   ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 5, 1983
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
M0018:  ZIP3277
        This program will get the console type from CP.   If the console
        is a screen (3277, 3278, 3158, 3066) the screen will be cleared.
        (3278 only with SEPP, BSEPP.)  Optionally, the console type will
        be returned in  the console stack.   Can run in  either the user
        area or the transient area.    Requires macros in M0075-USERMAC.
        Formerly M0028V01 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 ZIP       SCRIPT
                 M0018     DOCUMENT
                 M0018     ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 5, 1983
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
        This program  when run as  a CICS  transaction on an  OS/VS CICS
        system will  allow a terminal which  has been 'DIALED'  into the
        CICS virtual machine to issue a  reset CP command to release the
        terminal.  Requires a SVC to issue a CP command from a user pro-
        gram.   Formerly M0030V01 on VM/SP  Release 1.   This program is
        usable only for the case of OS-CICS driving local 327X terminals
        through BTAM.   It  cannot be used with TCAM  or VTAM terminals.
        For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven
        Street, Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 RESETCP   JOB
                 M0019     DOCUMENT
Date:   December 5, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
M0020:  VMSEP
        This is  a VS1  writer separator  routine that  for VS1  running
        under VM,  will route VS1 sysouts  almost anywhere in the system
        or around a RSCS-type network.   It is table driven keyed to the
        sysout class,   and will spool to  and tag to id's  taken either
        from table entries  or from subfields of  the jobcard accounting
        field.   Provision  is made to  also get the  jobcard programmer
        name field if desired,  but this  is not used in the implementa-
        tion as supplied.   The only VS1 mods needed are to add a type 1
        SVC for CP commands (which you  may already have),  and a writer
        catalogued procedure or two.   Documentation is a memo file, and
        listings of all assemblies are  supplied.   Most user customiza-
        tion will simply  be to add/change entries in  the master table,
        which  is a  separate  assembly.    Formerly M0044V01  on  VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 VMSEP10   TEXT
                 VMSEP02   TEXT
                 VMSEP01   TEXT
                 VMSEP00   TEXT
                 VMSEP     TEXT
                 SVC240    TEXT
                 IEFSD095  TEXT
                 USERMAC   MACLIB
                 VMSEP10   LISTING
                 VMSEP02   LISTING
                 VMSEP01   LISTING
                 VMSEP00   LISTING
                 VMSEP     LISTING
                 SVC240    JOB
                 LSEP      EXEC
                 ASEP      EXEC
                 AMODGEN   EXEC
                 AL        EXEC
                 M0020     DOCUMENT
                 VMSEP10   ASSEMBLE
                 VMSEP02   ASSEMBLE
                 VMSEP01   ASSEMBLE
                 VMSEP00   ASSEMBLE
                 VMSEP     ASSEMBLE
                 SVC240    ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 6, 1983
Blocks: 25 1k disk blocks.
M0021:  CCTYPE
        This program  will read a  file containing ASA  carriage control
        from an accessed CMS disk,  and print it on a typewriter type of
        terminal, with carriage control.  Documentation is in the source
        as comments, and it has a built-in HELP facility.  Requires mac-
        ros in M0075-USERMAC.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 M0021     DOCUMENT
                 CCTYPE    ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 6, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
M0022:  CKTAPE
        This program will dump a tape to the printer or to the terminal,
        in EBCDIC and/or HEX,  and will show block lengths,  and record/
        eof counts.   Parms  allow you to skip n  blocks,  stop printing
        after n blocks, stop after n tape marks, or continue to a double
        tape mark.   Documentation is in the source as comments,  and it
        has a built-in HELP facility.  Requires macros in M0075-USERMAC.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 M0022     DOCUMENT
                 CKTAPE    ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 6, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
M0023:  OSPDS
        A general  purpose exec to  manipulate members  of an OS  PDS in
        CMS.   It works similarly to the CMS/DOS commands SSERV,  DSERV,
        and PSERV.   It also has  additional capabilities the previously
        mentioned commands do  not have.   The exec  is self documenting
        for an applications  programmer by typing OSPDS  HELP.   For the
        systems programmer all that needs to  be said is change the exec
        where the keyword acronyms are located for your own heavily used
        datasets.  Formerly M0021V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Mark Hanisco, William H. Rorer, Inc., 500 Virginia Drive, Fort
        Washington, Pennsylvania  19034, (215) 628-6360
                 OSPDS     EXEC
                 M0023     DOCUMENT
Date:   December 6, 1983
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        A CMS transient command  which will cause an EXEC to  wait for a
        tape to be mounted.    Can also be used when a  drive is already
        attached to verify that the write ring  is in or out as required
        by the program.  Particularly handy for use by disconnected vir-
        tual machines who want to use  tape.   The command is documented
        via a CMS help  file.   UNITWAIT will execute with no  CMS or CP
        modifications on any VM/SP systems.   Formerly M0022V00 on VM/SP
        Release 1. For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Gary D. Schultz, Northwest Industries, Inc., Data Center, 72
        East Randolph, Chicago, Illinois  60601, (312) 236-8601
                 NWIUWT    TEXT
                 NWIUWT    M1004NWI
                 NWIUWT    M1002NWI
                 UNITWAIT  MODULE
                 UNITWAIT  LOADMAP
                 UNITWAIT  HELPCMS
                 M0024     DOCUMENT
                 NWIUWT    AUXNWI
                 NWIUWT    ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 7, 1983
Blocks: 9 1k disk blocks.
        This MACRO library contains a set  of macros for structured pro-
        gramming  techniques and  housekeeping tasks.    The macros  are
        designed to  be efficient  and produce  code equivalent  to hand
        generated code.  The documentation is of type LISTING.  Formerly
        M0023V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Mike Borkowski, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L
        3G1, (519) 885-1211
                 MACROS    SCRIPT
                 MACROS    MACLIB
                 MACROS    LISTING
                 M0025     DOCUMENT
Date:   December 9, 1983
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
M0026:  OSDA
        Supports direct read and write for  PLI programs of unkeyed BDAM
        datasets on  OS disks.   Formerly  M0026V00 on VM/SP  Release 1.
        For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Dave Gomberg, University of California, San Francisco, Computer
        Center, U-76 Room,, San Francisco, California  94143, (415)
                 OSDA      TEXT
                 DRIVER    TEXT
                 ASMIO     TEXT
                 OSDA      PLI
                 DRIVER    PLI
                 OSDA      LISTING
                 DRIVER    LISTING
                 ASMIO     LISTING
                 M0026     DOCUMENT
                 ASMIO     ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 9, 1983
Blocks: 10 1k disk blocks.
M0027:  PLEA
        The  PLI Execution  Analyser records  CPU usage  (TIMER ON)   or
        elapsed time usage (TIMER REAL)  by PLI statement number without
        source changes or  recompilation.   Courtesy of Standard  Oil of
        California and  Statistics Canada.   Formerly M0027V00  on VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Dave Gomberg, University of California, San Francisco, Computer
        Center, U-76 Room,, San Francisco, California  94143, (415)
                 PLEANL    TEXT
                 PLEA      TEXT
                 PLEANL    PLI
                 PLEANL    MODULE
                 PLEANL    LISTING
                 PLEA      LISTING
                 PLEA      INSTALL
                 PLEA      EXEC
                 M0027     DOCUMENT
                 PLEA      ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 9, 1983
Blocks: 10 1k disk blocks.
M0028:  PLISEG
        Shares PLI  Optimizer Resident and Transient  Libraries.   There
        are no  mods to  CMS or  to CP  (except DMKSNT).    Some of  the
        PLI/CMS Task  Force points are  also answered.    Performance is
        substantially  improved;   20-40%  is  typical,   90%  has  been
        observed.   CPU, IO,  module size,  load and genmod time are all
        reduced.   This  modification is based on  work by Ed  Haines of
        Lincoln Labs and the OS  PLI Shared Library.   Formerly M0053V00
        on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Dave Gomberg, University of California, San Francisco, Computer
        Center, U-76 Room, San Francisco, California  94143, (415)
                 IBMBLIBB  VOLDTEXT
                 IBMBLIBB  UPDLOG
                 DMSIBM    UPDLOG
                 DMSIBM    UPDATES
                 IBMBLIBB  UPDATE
                 STUBLIB   TXTLIB
                 PL1SEG    TRAILER
                 SORTDIR   TEXT
                 RESLIB    TEXT
                 PL1SEG5   TEXT
                 PL1SEG4   TEXT
                 PL1SEG3   TEXT
                 PL1SEG2   TEXT
                 PL1SEG1   TEXT
                 PL1SEG0   TEXT
                 PLISVC    TEXT
                 PLIDIAG   TEXT
                 IBMBLIBB  TEXT
                 EDITMAP   TEXT
                 DMSIBM    TEXT
                 CMSCMD    TEXT
                 SORTDIR   PLI
                 EDITMAP   PLI
                 CMSCMD    PLI
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0006
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0005
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0004
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0003
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0002
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0001
                 DMSIBM    PCTF0000
                 IBMBLIBB  OLDTEXT
                 DMSIBM    OLDTEXT
                 IBMBLIBB  OLDASM
                 SORTDIR   MODULE
                 EDITMAP   MODULE
                 PL1SEG    MAP
                 SORTDIR   LISTING
                 IBMBLIBB  LISTING
                 PL1SEG    HEADER
                 WATTAPE   EXEC
                 SETLOG    EXEC
                 S         EXEC
                 RESLIB    EXEC
                 PLILIB    EXEC
                 GENTAPE   EXEC
                 GENSTUB   EXEC
                 GENSEG    EXEC
                 GENMEM    EXEC
                 GENDMSIB  EXEC
                 GENASM    EXEC
                 EDITMAP   EXEC
                 COPYAPP   EXEC
                 BLDTEXT   EXEC
                 AS        EXEC
                 $ASMTABS  EXEC
                 VERSION   DOCUMENT
                 TAPEFMT   DOCUMENT
                 SRCMAINT  DOCUMENT
                 PLEA      DOCUMENT
                 M0028     DOCUMENT
                 INSTALL   DOCUMENT
                 DEPEND    DOCUMENT
                 PLICMS    CNTRL
                 DMSIBM    AUXPCTF
                 RESLIB    ASSEMBLE
                 PL1SEG    ASSEMBLE
                 PLISVC    ASSEMBLE
                 PLIDIAG   ASSEMBLE
                 IBMBLIBB  ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 12, 1983
Blocks: 70 1k disk blocks.
M0029:  GENNS
        Simplifies the creation  and maintenance of DMKSNT  by automati-
        cally allocating DASD  space from a previously  defined area and
        by automatically relocating the pages  and segment references to
        a user-defined origin.  Only NAMESYS and NAME3800 are supported,
        all other  macros are  passed through  to the  output (ASSEMBLE)
        file.  Formerly M0059V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Dave Gomberg, University of California, San Francisco, Computer
        Center, U-76 Room,, San Francisco, California  94143, (415)
                 GENNS     TEXT
                 GENNS     PLI
                 GENNS     MODULE
                 GENNS     LISTING
                 SNTSP10   INPUT
                 GENNS     EXEC
                 M0029     DOCUMENT
                 SNTSP10   ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 12, 1983
Blocks: 8 1k disk blocks.
        Is a  CMS version of the  POWER/VS PDISPLAY command.   It  is to
        display the POWER/VS queue data under CMS.   PDISPLAY is release
        independent.    Documentation  is  PDISPLAY  SCRIPT.    Formerly
        M0031V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Armin Froelich, Dominion Life Assurance Company, 111 Westmount
        Road South,, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, (519) 888-5111
                 PDISPLAY  ZA023DLA
                 PDISPLAY  ZA017DLA
                 PDISPLAY  TXTDLA
                 PDISPLAY  SCRIPT
                 PDISPLAY  MODULE
                 PDISPLAY  EXEC
                 M0030     DOCUMENT
                 PDISPLAY  AUXDLA
                 PDISPLAY  ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 12, 1983
Blocks: 9 1k disk blocks.
        Set of  four execs  developed for  setting up  new VM  accounts.
        These execs  work in  conjunction with  IBM's DIRMAINT  program.
        Note:  EXECs run in EXEC not EXEC2.   Formerly M0036V00 on VM/SP
        Release 1.
Author: Lois White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,, SLAC, Mail Bin
        97,, Stanford, California  94305, ?
                 MODUSER   EXEC
                 FORMDISK  EXEC
                 DELUSER   EXEC
                 ADDUSER   EXEC
                 M0031     DOCUMENT
Date:   December 13, 1983
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
        CMS EXEC Services  Program.   The EXECSERV program  provides the
        CMS EXEC  and EXEC2  facilities user with  a variety  of service
        functions not otherwise available (or in  some cases not as eas-
        ily available).   Functions are provided for the inquiry, and in
        carefully controlled instances the alteration,  of the status of
        the virtual machine, the real machine, data residing in CMS disk
        files,  and  data residing  in CP  spool files.    Functions are
        available to receive, query, and wait for the occurrence of cer-
        tain  classes of  'events' which  apply to  the virtual  machine
        (such as the receipt of a reader file,  a VMCF transaction,  and
        so on).  Documentation is available in various forms.  This is a
        replacement to M0042V01 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Jerry Metcoff, Northwest Industries, Inc., Data Center, 72 East
        Randolph,, Chicago, Illinois  60601, (312) 236-8601
                 EX@SETE   SCRIPTW
                 EX@GETE   SCRIPTW
                 EX@SETE   SCRIPT
                 EX@GETE   SCRIPT
                 XSERVFNE  M1002NWI
                 XSERVEVR  M1002NWI
                 XSERVGBL  M1001NWI
                 XSERVFNA  M1001NWI
                 XSERVCOM  M1001NWI
                 XSERVCMD  M1001NWI
                 M0032     DOCUMENT
Date:   December 13, 1983
Blocks: 11 1k disk blocks.
M0033:  MATCH
        The MATCH program will compare two files and create a third file
        describing their differences.   In common use,  an update stream
        is built by this program from  the comparison of a base (unmodi-
        fied)  file  with a  modified version of  the same  file.   This
        update stream can  later be used to recreate  the modified file,
        given the base  file.   The output produced by  MATCH is written
        either as a series of control messages together with the deleted
        and inserted data records or as an update stream having the form
        used by the CMS update facility.  Output may be written to a CMS
        disk file, to the console, or to the virtual printer.   Documen-
        tation for MATCH has filetypes of SCRIPT and HELPCMS.   Formerly
        M0047V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Jerry Metcoff, Northwest Industries, Inc., Data Center, 72 East
        Randolph,, Chicago, Illinois 60601, (312) 236-8601
                 MATCH     TEXT
                 MATCH     SCRIPT
                 MATCH     MODULE
                 MATCH     LOADMAP
                 MATCH     HELPCMS
                 M0033     DOCUMENT
                 MATCH     ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 13, 1983
Blocks: 7 1k disk blocks.
        EXEC writing and invocation aids.   This is a collection of pro-
        grams which aid in the writing and invocation of CMS EXECs.  The
        CALLEXEC program invokes an EXEC as if it were a module and also
        provides a facility for EXECUTE-ONLY  EXECs.   The CMDPARSE pro-
        gram parses a  command line for an EXEC.    The EXECFILE program
        invokes an  EXEC having an  arbitrary filename,   filetype,  and
        filemode.   The CMS/SP modification M1004NWS  is provided to use
        CALLEXEC and EXECFILE with the EXEC-1 language (no modifications
        are required for use with  EXEC-2).   Formerly M0054V00 on VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2.
Author: Jerry Metcoff, Northwest Industries, Inc., Data Center, 72 East
        Randolph,, Chicago, Illinois  60601, (312) 236-8601
                 EXECFILE  TEXT
                 CMDPARSE  TEXT
                 CALLEXEC  TEXT
                 EXECFILE  SCRIPT
                 CMDPARSE  SCRIPT
                 CALLEXEC  SCRIPT
                 EXECFILE  MODULE
                 CMDPARSE  MODULE
                 CALLEXEC  MODULE
                 CALLEXEC  MEMO
                 CMDPARSE  LOADMAP
                 CALLEXEC  LOADMAP
                 EXECFILE  HELPCMS
                 CMDPARSE  HELPCMS
                 CALLEXEC  HELPCMS
                 CALLEXEC  F1005NWI
                 M0034     DOCUMENT
                 CALLEXEC  AUXNWI
                 EXECFILE  ASSEMBLE
                 CMDPARSE  ASSEMBLE
                 CALLEXEC  ASSEMBLE
                 EXECFILE  ABSTRACT
                 CMDPARSE  ABSTRACT
                 CALLEXEC  ABSTRACT
Date:   December 14, 1983
Blocks: 24 1k disk blocks.
        This modification makes RSCS Rel.  2 punch files from an OS sys-
        tem without NJE to userid RSCSPOOL  instead of the system punch.
        Also included  is an exec and  an assembler routine that  run in
        RSCSPOOL and  analyse the output from  RSCS.  If the  first user
        card contains a card USERID XXXX,   RSCSPOOL punches the deck to
        userid XXXX.  Formerly M0058V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and
Author: Hans R. Deckers, Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie, SCK/CEN,, 200,
        Boeretang,, B-2400 Mol, Belgium, 32 14 311801 Ext. 3525
                 DMTAXM    UPDTH177
                 WAITRDR   MODULE
                 STACKFIL  EXEC
                 BROL      EXEC
                 M0035     DOCUMENT
                 WAITRDR   ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 14, 1983
Blocks: 6 1k disk blocks.
        This mod  can be  used to  make directory  updates normally  not
        allowed by DIRMAINT and to obtain  temporary disk space that can
        be used for about 24 hours.    Requires M0037,  M0038 and M0039.
        Please read the  document file for more  information.   Formerly
        M0060V00 on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97,, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 SPACE     MEMO
                 M0036     DOCUMENT
Date:   January 16, 1984
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        To be used with M0036-SPACE VIRTUAL MACHINE.   Formerly M0061V00
        on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 VALID     VOLUMES
                 INPUT     TRANS
                 SPACE     TEXT
                 SPACE     TERMINAL
                 DEVTYPE   SIZE
                 SPACE     OUTPUT
                 LOAD      MAP
                 SPACE     LOG
                 TEMPDISK  LIST0
                 SPACE     LISTING
                 TEMPDISK  LIST
                 STAFF     LIST
                 LIMIT     LIST
                 GPSPACE   LIST
                 CZAR      LIST
                 SPACE     LASTRUN
                 LOG       HISTORY
                 PROFILE   EXEC
                 M0037     DOCUMENT
                 SPACE     DIRECT
Date:   January 16, 1984
Blocks: 20 1k disk blocks.
M0038 is in M0072
        To be used with M0036-SPACE VIRTUAL MACHINE.   Formerly M0063V00
        on VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 PUNCHLIN  TEXT
                 CMSINFO   TEXT
                 GIME      NAMES
                 WAITRDR   MODULE
                 UACCOUNT  MODULE
                 SMODE     MODULE
                 PUNCHLIN  MODULE
                 DISKIO    MODULE
                 DISKADRM  MODULE
                 CPSTACK   MODULE
                 CONSTAT   MODULE
                 CMSINFO   MODULE
                 PUNCHLIN  MEMO
                 DISKIO    MEMO
                 CMSINFO   LOADMOD
                 XEQ       EXEC
                 GIME      EXEC
                 DROP      EXEC
                 M0039     DOCUMENT
                 WAITRDR   ASSEMBLE
                 UACCOUNT  ASSEMBLE
                 SMODE     ASSEMBLE
                 PUNCHLIN  ASSEMBLE
                 DISKIO    ASSEMBLE
                 DISKADRM  ASSEMBLE
                 CPSTACK   ASSEMBLE
                 CONSTAT   ASSEMBLE
                 CMSINFO   ASSEMBLE
Date:   January 24, 1984
Blocks: 29 1k disk blocks.
M0040 is in M0080
        Directory listing utility program.   This PL/I program reads the
        VM  Directory  of a  VM/370  system  and  produces a  number  of
        reports.   This is a replacement of M0065V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
        For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 DIRLIST   TEXT
                 DIRLIST   PLIOPT
                 DIRLIST   FILEDEF
                 DIRLIST   EXEC
                 M0041     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 3, 1984
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
Mod 0042 has been replaced by 0068.
M0043:  LISTS
        A  modification that  allows searchs  for  DSNAMES with  similar
        roots.  A replacement of M0068V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Jack Rose, GATX Corp., 7501 N. Natchez, Niles, Illinois  60648,
                 DMSLDS    TXTLCL
                 LISTDS    MODULE
                 DMSLDS    GA007DMS
                 M0043     DOCUMENT
                 DMSLDS    AUXLCL
Date:   February 8, 1984
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
M0044:  DIRMAP
        DIRMAP and its related EXECs provide  a means to reduce user and
        mdisk definitions  from a  directory source file  into a  set of
        concise summary reports.   DIRMAP consists  of three EXEC2 execs
        and a short assembly language program.  It supports both CKD and
        FBA devices.  Formerly M0069V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Andrew Galvan, International Harvester Company, 7100 S. County
        Line Road, Hinsdale, Illinois  60521, (312) 789-7828
                 DIRMAPEX  TEXT
                 RPTUSER   OPTCOMM
                 RPTMDSK   OPTCOMM
                 DIRMAP    OPTCOMM
                 DIRMAPEX  MODULE
                 RPTUSER   EXEC
                 RPTMDSK   EXEC
                 DIRMAP    EXEC
                 M0044     DOCUMENT
                 DIRMAP    DOCUMENT
                 DIRMAPEX  ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 9, 1984
Blocks: 11 1k disk blocks.
M0045:  SLOTSP
        A program  that summarizes system  spooling and  paging utiliza-
        tion.  It supports both CKD and FBA devices.   Formerly M0077V00
        on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Andrew Galvan, International Harvester Company, 7100 S. County
        Line Road, Hinsdale, Illinois  60521, (312) 789-7828
                 SLOTSP    TEXT
                 SLOTSP    MODULE
                 M0045     DOCUMENT
                 SLOTSP    ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 9, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This file contains the text of a VM service tutorial.   It deals
        specifically  with SP1  and  SP2,  but  is  applicable to  other
        releases (including SP3).  Formerly M0079V01 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Melinda Varian, Princeton University, Computer Center, 87
        Prospect Avenue, Princeton, New Jersey  08544, (609) 452-6000
                 TUTORIAL  SCRIPT
                 TUTORIAL  PUN6670
                 TUTORIAL  LISTING
                 M0046     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This program when run as an IMS transaction on an OS/VS IMS sys-
        tem will allow  a terminal which has been 'DIAL'ed  into the IMS
        virtual machine to issue a CP  RESET command to release the ter-
        minal.   Requires an SVC to issue a  CP command from a user pro-
        gram.   The  SVC code is  also included.   Formerly  M0080V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: John de Longpre, GM Rochester Products, 2100 Burlingame SW,
        Grand Rapids, Michigan  49501-2167, (616) 247-5036
                 VMCMS     JCL
                 VMCMS     IMSGEN
                 M0047     DOCUMENT
                 VMCMSPCB  DATA
                 VMCMSSVC  ASSEMBLE
                 VMCMS     ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 6 1k disk blocks.
M0048:  ROUTER
        A facility which allows CMS users to submit jobs to a production
        virtual machine and to receive  them back again after execution.
        Formerly M0090V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Vern Marsden, Central Vermont Public Service Corporation, 77
        Grove Street, Rutland, Vermont  05701, (802) 773-2711
                 TODOS     EXEC
                 M0048     DOCUMENT
                 TODOS     ASSEMBLE
                 ROUTER    ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This modification allows an installation  to change its real I/O
        configuration (DMKRIO) without having to do a sysgen.  DMKRIO is
        removed from the  resident CP nucleus and instead is  read in at
        IPL time from the sysres volume.    With the independence of the
        sysgen and I/O gen,  the task  of changing the I/O configuration
        can now  be given to the  Operations group instead of  having to
        involve systems programmers.  The special userid who changes the
        I/O configuration needs no privileges other than class G.  These
        mods are for VM/SP 2.00.   This  is a replacement to M0092V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Ron Greaves, McGill University Computing Centre, 805 Sherbrooke
        St. West,, Montreal, Quebec  H3A 2K6, (514) 392-4636
                 PSA       RIO
                 MMKRIO    RIO
                 DMKWRM    RIO
                 DMKSYS    RIO
                 DMKSYM    RIO
                 DMKRSP    RIO
                 DMKRNH    RIO
                 DMKQVM    RIO
                 DMKPSA    RIO
                 DMKOPR    RIO
                 DMKNET    RIO
                 DMKNES    RIO
                 DMKNEA    RIO
                 DMKMNI    RIO
                 DMKIOT    RIO
                 DMKIOH    RIO
                 DMKGRF    RIO
                 DMKDMP    RIO
                 DMKDIB    RIO
                 DMKCQR    RIO
                 DMKCQP    RIO
                 DMKCPJ    RIO
                 DMKCPI    RIO
                 DMKCKV    RIO
                 DMKCKS    RIO
                 DMKBLD    RIO
                 AMKAMC    RIO
                 RIOMAINT  PROFILE
                 RIO       MODULE
                 RIOMODS   EXEC
                 RIO       EXEC
                 M0049     DOCUMENT
                 RIOMAINT  DIRECT
                 RIO       ASSEMBLE
                 MMKRIO    ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 35 1k disk blocks.
        Extended Support for VM Logos.  This package allows an installa-
        tion to  have multiple VM logos  defined and to change  the logo
        without having  to re-ipl CP.   A  CMS program allows a  Class C
        user to change the logo while  the system is running.   This mod
        is for VM/SP 2.00.  Replacement to M0097V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Ron Greaves, McGill University Computing Centre, 805 Sherbrooke
        Street West, Montreal, Quebec  H3A 2K6, (514) 392-4636
                 LOGO      MODULE
                 DMKSYM    LOGO
                 DMKGRT    LOGO
                 DMKGRF    LOGO
                 DMKBOX    LOGO
                 M0050     DOCUMENT
                 LOGO      ASSEMBLE
                 DMKBOX    ASSEMBLE
                 CPLOC     ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 9 1k disk blocks.
M0051:  3270MODL
        This modification to  DMKGRF allows the system  to determine the
        type and model  for local 3277s and 3278s when  they are powered
        on.   Normally  this information  is fixed  in DMKRIO  at sysgen
        time, and a sysgen (or an I/O gen) would be necessary if differ-
        ent terminals  were moved  from one  location to  another or  if
        cables were  switched,  causing a  terminal to have  a different
        real address associated with it.  With this mod, any local 3277s
        or 3278s attached to  the system need only be coded  as 3277s in
        DMKRIO and  the system will alter  the RDEVBIOK to  indicate the
        true device  type and  model when  the terminal  is powered  on.
        This mod is  for VM/SP 2.00.   Replacement to  M0098V00 of VM/SP
        Release 1.
Author: Ron Greaves, McGill University Computing Centre, 805 Sherbrooke
        Street West,, Montreal, Quebec  H3A 2K6, (514) 392-4636
                 DMKGRF    3270MODL
                 M0051     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 10, 1984
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
        This modification  to CP  reduces the  overhead associated  with
        polling a remote 3270 cluster to see  if there is any input from
        a terminal.    CP is modified so  that the channel  program will
        poll continuously until there is data to be sent, thus eliminat-
        ing CP  overhead associated with  issuing SIOs and  handling I/O
        interrupts.  These mods are for VM/SP 2.00.
Author: Ron Greaves, McGill University Computing Centre, 805 Sherbrooke
        Street West, Montreal, Quebec  H3A 2K6, (514) 392-4636
                 DMKRGB    POLL
                 DMKRGA    POLL
                 M0052     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 13, 1984
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
M0053:  CLUST
        These macros CLUST and TERM are simplified versions of the stan-
        dard macros CLUSTER and TERMINAL used  in DMKRIO to define clus-
        ters of remote 3270 terminals.  The simplified macros have fewer
        required parameters and there is therefore less chance of coding
        errors causing problems which could have been prevented.   These
        macros can be used with any VM/370 or VM/SP.
Author: Ron Greaves, McGill University Computing Centre, 805 Sherbrooke
        Street West,, Montreal, Quebec  H3A 2K6, (514) 392-4636
                 TERM      MACRO
                 CLUST     MACRO
                 M0053     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 13, 1984
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
M0054:  DMTTTY
        DMTTY is an ascii line driver which  runs as a DIALED line under
        RSCS.  It can be used to send print to a low cost ascii terminal
        or printer  via ETX/ACK protocol.    Formerly M0100V00  on VM/SP
        Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Brian Cameron, University of Waterloo,, Department of Computing
        Services,, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 3G1, (519) 885-1211
                 DMTLAX    UW003DMT
                 M0054     DOCUMENT
                 DMTTTY    ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 13, 1984
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
        This mod  will execute an exec  of another CMS  mini-disk before
        CMS will execute  the profile exec on  the 191 A disk.    If the
        PRE-PROFILE EXEC does not execute properly because of user tamp-
        ering,  a message will be sent to the operator and the user will
        be logged off.   Installation accounting or a local CMS environ-
        ment can be setup through the PRE-PROFILE EXEC.  Supporting mods
        included are:   1.  a diagnose to  return the userid and account
        number 2.   the  ignoring of the noipl option on  the logon com-
        mand, and 3.  a mod to the link command to restrict a controlled
        user's link to  only another user with the  same account number.
        Formerly M0104V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Jimmy Mok Loo, Xerox Computer Services MA21,, 5310 Beethoven
        Street,, Los Angeles, California  90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext.
                 DMKLOG    XCS111DK
                 DMKLNK    XCS110DK
                 DMKHVD    XCS103DK
                 DMKHVC    XCS103DK
                 DMSNUC    XCS001DS
                 DMSINS    XCS001DS
                 DEVTAB    XCS001DS
                 XCSPROF   EXEC
                 M0055     DOCUMENT
                 DMSNUC    AUXXCS
                 DMSINS    AUXXCS
                 DMKLOG    AUXXCS
                 DMKLNK    AUXXCS
                 DMKHVD    AUXXCS
                 DMKHVC    AUXXCS
                 DEVTAB    AUXXCS
Date:   February 13, 1984
Blocks: 16 1k disk blocks.
        Two mods are provided for DMTNPT.   One mod gives the capability
        to generate the signon without reading a SIGNON card, by includ-
        ing the signon in the startup parameter list (This mod is appli-
        cable to DMTNPT lines other than those that drive a 6670).   The
        other mod gives a much nicer header page for the 6670,  one that
        is the  same for print and  punch files.   Formerly  M0105V00 on
        VM/SP Release 1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Brian Doty, Mitre Corporation, Metrek Division, W130, 1820
        Dolley Madison Road,, McLean, Virginia  22101, (703) 883-6327
                 RSCS      SAMPDRCT
                 DMTNPT    MTV3M002
                 DMTNPT    MTV3M001
                 DMTMSG    MTV3M001
                 MOD002    MEMO
                 MOD001    MEMO
                 M0056     DOCUMENT
                 DMTNPT    AUXLOC
                 DMTMSG    AUXLOC
Date:   February 13, 1984
Blocks: 9 1k disk blocks.
M0057:  ELLEN
        A VM Word Processor (Release 3).   ELLEN is designed to serve as
        a word processor for VM systems.  The overall concept behind its
        design  is that  it be  very user  friendly and  that it  should
        require no manual  to learn how to use.    Instructions in menus
        and pf keys that  pull in terse help files are  the only form of
        user  instruction that  the  system  supplies.   Replacement  of
        M0101V01 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Henry Nussbacher, Weizmann Institute of Science,, Computer
        Center, Rechovot, Israel  76100, 054-82988
                 OPTIONS   XEDIT
                 NEWMEMO   XEDIT
                 MODSAVE   XEDIT
                 MODPROF   XEDIT
                 MODHELP   XEDIT
                 MODDELET  XEDIT
                 MODDELEN  XEDIT
                 MODADD    XEDIT
                 MEMTOGGB  XEDIT
                 MEMTOGGA  XEDIT
                 MEMPRINT  XEDIT
                 MEMOPROF  XEDIT
                 MEMHELPB  XEDIT
                 MEMHELPA  XEDIT
                 MEMADD    XEDIT
                 MAILLIST  XEDIT
                 LETXPAND  XEDIT
                 LETTOGGB  XEDIT
                 LETTOGGA  XEDIT
                 LETTLIST  XEDIT
                 LETTER    XEDIT
                 LETSPELL  XEDIT
                 LETSALUT  XEDIT
                 LETQQUIT  XEDIT
                 LETPROF   XEDIT
                 LETPRINT  XEDIT
                 LETPASTE  XEDIT
                 LETPARA   XEDIT
                 LETNUMB   XEDIT
                 LETNULL   XEDIT
                 LETHELPB  XEDIT
                 LETHELPA  XEDIT
                 LETDISK   XEDIT
                 LETDELET  XEDIT
                 LETCUT    XEDIT
                 LETCOUNT  XEDIT
                 LETCENT   XEDIT
                 LETAUTOS  XEDIT
                 LETALIGN  XEDIT
                 ELLEN     XEDIT
                 LETTER    OPTIONS
                 WHATAMI   MODULE
                 LETTSTAK  MODULE
                 LETSIZE   MODULE
                 CPSTACK   MODULE
                 CLRSCRN   MODULE
                 BLKLEFT   MODULE
                 MODHELP   HELPXEDI
                 MEM$PFK2  HELPXEDI
                 MEM$PFK1  HELPXEDI
                 LISTING   HELPXEDI
                 LET$PFK2  HELPXEDI
                 LET$PFK1  HELPXEDI
                 OPTIONS   HELPCMS
                 NEWMEMO   HELPCMS
                 NEWLETT   HELPCMS
                 MAILLIST  HELPCMS
                 ELLEN     HELPCMS
                 ELLEN     FIXES
                 PRINTMY   EXEC
                 OPTIONS   EXEC
                 NEWMEMO   EXEC
                 MODMLIST  EXEC
                 MAILLIST  EXEC
                 LETTLIST  EXEC
                 LETTER    EXEC
                 ELLEN     EXEC
                 M0057     DOCUMENT
                 WHATAMI   ASSEMBLE
                 LETSIZE   ASSEMBLE
                 CPSTACK   ASSEMBLE
                 CLRSCRN   ASSEMBLE
                 BLKLEFT   ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 14, 1984
Blocks: 73 1k disk blocks.
        Weizmann Institute of Science VM  Tools.   A collection of tools
        for supporting  VM and  enhancing it's  capabilities.   Included
        are:  1. ENABLE/ DISABLE execs; 2.  Storage Utilization Display;
        3.  AP/MP Locks Display; 4.  Set Maximum Number of VM Users;  5.
        Tape Sensing  Program;  6.   FBA Sensing  Program;  7.   Segment
        (DMKSNT) Display;  8.  Desk Top Calculator for XEDIT;  9.   Full
        Screen Tape  Browsing and Loading  Utility;  10.  2  Full Screen
        Games- Snakes and Slash; 11. EMSG- (for server machines), FORMAT
        MSG,   MSGNOH,  WNG  TEXT according  to  recipient EMSG  setting
        instead of  sender's;  11.   FORCE  exec to implement  FORCE ALL
        CODE.  For further details review the M0058 DOCUMENT file.
Author: Henry Nussbacher Yossie Silverman Lawrence Kalman, Weizmann
        Institute of Science, Computer Center, Rechovot, Israel  76100,
                 CALC      XEDIT
                 FORTSUB   TXTLIB
                 TBROWSE   MODULE
                 TAPSENSE  MODULE
                 STORAGE   MODULE
                 SNAKE     MODULE
                 SLASH     MODULE
                 SEG       MODULE
                 MAXUSERS  MODULE
                 FBASENSE  MODULE
                 APLOCKS   MODULE
                 FORTSUB   MEMO
                 DMKLOH    MAXUSERS
                 DMKLOG    MAXUSERS
                 DMKEMA    MAXUSERS
                 WISMAC    MACLIB
                 TBROWSE   HELPLOCA
                 SNAKE     HELPGAME
                 SLASH     HELPGAME
                 STORAGE   EXEC
                 FORCE     EXEC
                 ENABLE    EXEC
                 DISABLE   EXEC
                 CALC      EXEC
                 M0058     DOCUMENT
                 TESTEMSG  ASSEMBLE
                 TBROWSE   ASSEMBLE
                 TAPSENSE  ASSEMBLE
                 STORAGE   ASSEMBLE
                 SNAKE     ASSEMBLE
                 SLASH     ASSEMBLE
                 SEG       ASSEMBLE
                 SCREEN    ASSEMBLE
                 MAXUSERS  ASSEMBLE
                 FBASENSE  ASSEMBLE
                 EMSG      ASSEMBLE
                 APLOCKS   ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 14, 1984
Blocks: 37 1k disk blocks.
        Some fixes to the RSCS line driver DMTTTY ASCII line driver from
        the University  of Waterloo.   The  first corrects  message han-
        dling,  the  second fixes  some translate  table errors  and the
        third corrects a problem where the last  buffer of a file is not
        always sent.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Peter Hunsberger, Bell Canada, Bell Trinity Square, Toronto,
        Ontario  M5G 2E1, (416) 581-6156
                 DMTTTY    UF004DMT
                 DMTTTY    UF003DMT
                 DMTTTY    UF002DMT
                 RSCSFIX   SCRIPT
                 M0059     DOCUMENT
Date:   February 15, 1984
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
Mod 0060 has been replaced by 0081.
        The  actual  modification  to  the  XEDIT  code  are  no  longer
        required.   This  modification is  now 'documentation  only' and
        explains how to XEDIT OS or DOS data sets under CMS. For Release
        1, 2, 2.1,  3,  3.1 of VM/SP.   Replacement to M0091V00 on VM/SP
        Release 1.
Author: Wayne Tilton, Associated Computer Services, Inc., 13700 S.W.
        72nd Avenue, P.O. Box 23097,, Portland, Oregon  97223, (503)
                 XEDITOS   SCRIPT
                 M0061     DOCUMENT
Date:   March 5, 1984
Blocks: 2 1k disk blocks.
M0062:  XRDR
        This modification is a new CMS command called XRDR.  It allows a
        user to  XEDIT a  file residing  in their  reader queue  without
        first reading the file onto disk (similar to the VM/SP Release 2
        or later PEEK  command).   It recreates carriage  control in ASA
        format for CON or PRT files and  is about five times faster then
        PEEK.   Two versions of the program are supplied,  one for VM/SP
        Release 2  systems and  one for VM/SP  Release 3  systems.   The
        Release  2 version  will  work on  a Release  3  system but  the
        Release 3 versions uses an XEDIT  macro written in REXX and sev-
        eral new  XEDIT functions available  only with Release  3.   The
        Release 3 version should be used on Release 3 systems (it issues
        SET ALT 0 0 ).
Author: Wayne Tilton, Associated Computer Services, Inc., 13700 S.W.
        72nd Avenue, P.O. Box 23097, Portland, Oregon  97223, (503)
                 X$XRDR$X  XEDIT
                 XRDR      SCRIPT
                 X$XRDR$X  REXX
                 XRDR3     MODULE
                 XRDR2     MODULE
                 XRDR      MODULE
                 XRDR      HELPACSC
                 X$XRDR$X  EXEC2
                 M0062     DOCUMENT
                 XRDR3     ASSEMBLE
                 XRDR2     ASSEMBLE
Date:   March 5, 1984
Blocks: 11 1k disk blocks.
Mod 0063 has been deleted.
        CP modification  to automatically tag  and re-route  spool files
        based on information  specified in the VM  directory.   Designed
        for use with RSCS Networking, multiple CPUs.  For VM/SP 2.  This
        is a replacement of M0102V00 on VM/SP Release 1.
Author: Ovadya Yesodi, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Data
        Processing, 6201 S. Street, P.O. Box 15830, Sacramento,
        California  95813, (916) 452-7811
                 DMKSPR    TXTLCL
                 DMKSPR    SPROUTER
                 DMKSPL    SPROUTER
                 DMKRSP    SPROUTER
                 DMKEMC    SPROUTER
                 DMKCSV    SPROUTER
                 DMKCSP    SPROUTER
                 DMKCQY    SPROUTER
                 DMKCQQ    SPROUTER
                 DMKCQG    SPROUTER
                 M0064     DOCUMENT
                 DMKSPL    DISTFORU
                 SPROUTER  CONTENTS
                 DMKSPR    AUXLCL
                 DMKSPL    AUXLCL
                 DMKRSP    AUXLCL
                 DMKEMC    AUXLCL
                 DMKCSV    AUXLCL
                 DMKCSP    AUXLCL
                 DMKCQY    AUXLCL
                 DMKCQQ    AUXLCL
                 DMKCQG    AUXLCL
                 DMKSPR    ASSEMBLE
Date:   April 4, 1984
Blocks: 23 1k disk blocks.
M0065:  SEEKS
        This is a  program which reads monitor seeks  records from spool
        or tape and produces two reports  for each dasd monitored.   The
        report by  cylinder shows  (for each  cylinder)  number  of seek
        requests, average seek distance to the cylinder, percent of seek
        requests queued,   percent of  seek requests  for which  I/O was
        queued on the channel, control unit, and device, and the average
        number of I/O requests on each queue when queuing occurred.  The
        report by user shows (for each user issuing seek requests to the
        device)  these values as they relate to all seek activity on the
        device performed on behalf of the user.   The report by cylinder
        may also  be requested  to show  only those  seeks performed  on
        behalf of a single user.   For SP2.    Please see Mod 76 for SP3
Author: Michael Tanzer, Australian Bank Limited, 395 Collins Street,
        Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia, (03) 618-9310
                 SEEKS     TEXT
                 SEEKS     MODULE
                 M0065     DOCUMENT
                 SEEKS     ASSEMBLE
Date:   April 4, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
M0066:  DASTAP
        This is a program which reads monitor dastap and perform records
        from spool or  tape and produces reports  showing cpu,  channel,
        dasd,  and tape utilization,  with  emphasis on data relevant to
        tuning the dasd and tape subsystems.  For SP2.
Author: Michael Tanzer, Australian Bank Limited, 395 Collins Street,
        Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia, (03) 618-9310
                 DASTAP    TEXT
                 DASTAP    MODULE
                 M0066     DOCUMENT
                 DASTAP    ASSEMBLE
Date:   April 4, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        The PREVIEW command is used to invoke simulation of the VERSATEK
        Plotting Routines on a 3279 terminal.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Hans R. Deckers Guido Cosemans, Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie,
        SCK/CEN, 200 Boeretang, B-2400 Mol, Belgium, 32 14 311801 Ext
                 KLR$$$    UP003E
                 KLR$$$    UP003D
                 KLR$$$    UP003C
                 KLR$$$    UP003A
                 KLR$$$    UP0008
                 KLR$$$    UP0007
                 KLR$$$    UP0003
                 KLR$$$    UP0002
                 KLR$$$    UP0001
                 TIT       TEXT
                 KLR$$$    TEXT
                 KLR$$$    MASTER
                 PREVIEW   HELPCMS
                 TIT       FORTRAN
                 UEDIT     EXEC
                 PREVIEW   EXEC
                 PREVDUMP  EXEC
                 FU        EXEC
                 M0067     DOCUMENT
                 KLR$$$    CNTRL
                 KLR$$$    AUXFOR
                 PREV      AUTHOR
Date:   May 18, 1984
Blocks: 22 1k disk blocks.
Mod 0068 has been replaced by 0082.
M0069:  DROP
        DROP is a program designed to be  used as a subtask of VTAM run-
        ning in a  DOS host using VM/VCNA.   Users who  have dialed into
        the VTAM service machine may invoke the drop application to have
        their terminals reset.  Replacement of M0076V00 on VM/SP Release
        1.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Steven M. Niebauer, Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Co.,
        Technical Services Dept., Citizens Plaza, P.O. Box 33000,
        Louisville, Kentucky  40296, (502) 581-3369
                 CPCMD     MACRO
                 CPCMD     EDECK
                 M0069     DOCUMENT
                 DROP      ASSEMBLE
                 $$B#CP    ASSEMBLE
Date:   August 17, 1984
Blocks: 5 1k disk blocks.
M0070:  FDISC
        FDISC is a CP command which will  force a user to become discon-
        nected.  This is a CP command similar to FORCE but will render a
        user disconnected instead of logged off.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Steven M. Niebauer, Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Co.,
        Technical Services Dept., Citizens Plaza, P.O. Box 33000,
        Louisville, Kentucky  40296, (502) 581-3369
                 M0070     DOCUMENT
                 DMKCFC    CFBFIX02
                 DMKCFB    ASSEMBLE
Date:   August 17, 1984
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
        This set of mods to CP  and DIRMAINT allows directory update-in-
        place to  be used for  the DIRMAINT transfer  minidisk (TMDISK),
        add minidisk (AMD),  delete minidisk (DMD),  and change minidisk
        (CMD) commands.  This speeds up all these commands considerably.
        The mods also  speed up generally any  disk reads done by  CP to
        access directory pages.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Bill Weeks, Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator
        Center, P.O. Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305,
        (415) 854-3300
                 DVHDMC    VHV2M007
                 DVHDMA    VHV2M007
                 DMKUDU    MKV2M256
                 UIPARMS   MKV2M254
                 UDIRECT   MKV2M254
                 UCNTRL    MKV2M254
                 DMKUDU    MKV2M254
                 DMKUDR    MKV2M254
                 DMKLOH    MKV2M254
                 DMKDIR    MKV2M254
                 UDIRECT   MKV2M250
                 DMKUDU    MKV2M250
                 DMKUDR    MKV2M250
                 UDIRECT   MKV2M249
                 SYSLOCS   MKV2M249
                 DMKUDU    MKV2M249
                 DMKUDR    MKV2M249
                 DMKSYS    MKV2M249
                 DMKDIR    MKV2M249
                 DMKDIR    MKV2M243
                 M0071     DOCUMENT
Date:   August 17, 1984
Blocks: 21 1k disk blocks.
        To be used with M0036-SPACE VIRTUAL MACHINE.  Updated M0038 mod.
        For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 SPACE     XMENULIB
                 STIDP     TEXT
                 SPACE     TEXT
                 SPACE     SCRIPT
                 SPACE     PLI
                 SPACE     LISTING
                 DISCLAIM  LISTING
                 SPACE     FILEDEF
                 VALUSER   EXEC
                 VALDISK   EXEC
                 USEDSET   EXEC
                 TEMPVER   EXEC
                 TEMPSUM   EXEC
                 TEMPDROP  EXEC
                 TEMPDISK  EXEC
                 STAFFEX   EXEC
                 STAFF     EXEC
                 SPACEOLD  EXEC
                 SPACEMEN  EXEC
                 SPACE     EXEC
                 SENDLIST  EXEC
                 RESUME    EXEC
                 RESET     EXEC
                 RECLIST   EXEC
                 RECLAIM   EXEC
                 PROGTRAP  EXEC
                 NEWNAME   EXEC
                 MAIN      EXEC
                 LOGSCAN   EXEC
                 LOGHIST   EXEC
                 LIMSET    EXEC
                 LIMIT     EXEC
                 HOWBIG    EXEC
                 GROUP3    EXEC
                 GROUPS    EXEC
                 GPSPACE   EXEC
                 GETTEMP   EXEC
                 GETDIR    EXEC
                 DRETURN   EXEC
                 DISKSTAT  EXEC
                 DISKHIST  EXEC
                 DIRMLOC   EXEC
                 CZAREX    EXEC
                 CZAR      EXEC
                 CUU       EXEC
                 CMS       EXEC
                 CHNGTEMP  EXEC
                 BCUU      EXEC
                 PROFILE   EDIT
                 M0072     DOCUMENT
                 STIDP     ASSEMBLE
Date:   August 22, 1984
Blocks: 51 1k disk blocks.
        The IEBCOPY  program is designed to  facilitate to load  or list
        member(s)  of partitioned dataset previously  created on tape by
        the IEBCOPY Utility Program (OS version).  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Luc Lepine, University of Ottawa, System Group, 275 Nicolas
        Street, Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 6N5, (613) 231-6580
                 IEBCOPY   MODULE
                 IEBCOPY   HELPCMS
                 M0073     DOCUMENT
                 IEBCOPY   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 2, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        Allows  terminal devices  connected to  VM/SP  through either  a
        Series/1 or an IBM 4994 controller running the Yale ASCII Termi-
        nal Support Installed User Product to function in a scroll mode.
        This allows a  user to run such products as  SASGRAPH and D13000
        on graphics terminals connected through the Series/1 without any
        modification to the graphics software itself.  LINEMODE can also
        simulate a 3704/3705, TTY style,  half-duplex connection through
        the Series/1,  thus allowing the user to run micro to main-frame
        file transfers.   LINEMODE runs on an IBM 4300 or 308x type pro-
        cessor running  VM/SP Release  2 or  3 and  works with  terminal
        devices connected  to a Series/1  or 4994 processor  running the
        Yale ASCII Terminal  support IUP (5796-RKJ Version  2.1 or later
        or 5798-RRJ).
Author: Don Coleman, Computing Services, Queen's University, Kingston,
        Ontario, K7L 3N6, (613) 547-2851
                 XPARENT   TEXT
                 LINEMODE  SCRIPT
                 INSTALL   SCRIPT
                 LINEMODE  RAWFILE
                 XPARENT   QNS006
                 XPARENT   QNS005
                 XPARENT   QNS004
                 XPARENT   QNS003
                 XPARENT   QNS002
                 XPARENT   QNS001
                 XPARENT   MOD001
                 LINEMODE  LOADLIB
                 XPARENT   LKEDIT
                 LINEMODE  LISTING
                 LINEMODE  HELPQUEE
                 LINEMODE  EXEC
                 M0074     DOCUMENT
                 XPARENT   CNTRL
                 XPARENT   AUXMOD
                 XPARENT   ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 2, 1984
Blocks: 20 1k disk blocks.
        MACLIB containing  PROGRAM which sets  up all  OS/VS/CMS saving,
        chaining, restoring,  and linkage including  provision for a re-
        entrant save and work-areas, VWTO, VWTOR,  VWTL which correspond
        to the  standard WTO,  WTOR,  and  WTL with provision  to insert
        variable data at execution time,   and VLINE to generate RECFM=V
        print lines with provision to  insert variable data at execution
        time.  Updated M0012 mod.  For SP2 and SP3.
Author: Richard Greenberg, Xerox Computer Services,, 5310 Beethoven St.,
        Los Angeles, California, 90066, (213) 306-4000 Ext. 2248
                 USERMAC   SCRIPT
                 USERMAC   MACLIB
                 USERMAC   LISTING
                 M0075     DOCUMENT
Date:   November 2, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This is a  program which reads monitor SEEKS  records from spool
        or tape and produces two reports  for each DASD monitored.   The
        REPORT BY  CYLINDER shows  (for each  cylinder)  number  of seek
        requests,  average seek  distance to the cylinder,   per cent of
        seek requests queued,   per cent of seek requests  for which I/O
        was queued on the channel,  control  unit,  and device,  and the
        average  number  of I/O  requests  on  each queue  when  queuing
        occurred.   The REPORT BY USER shows (for each user issuing seek
        requests to the device)  these values as they relate to all seek
        activity on  the device performed on  behalf of the  user.   The
        REPORT BY  CYLINDER may  also be  requested to  show only  those
        seeks performed on behalf of a single user.   This is a replace-
        ment of M0065 on VM/SP 2.
Author: Michael Tanzer, Australian Bank Limited, 395 Collins Street,
        Melbourne,, Victoria 3000, Australia, (03) 618-9310
                 SEEKS     MODULE
                 SEEKS     DOCUMENT
                 M0076     DOCUMENT
                 SEEKS     ASSEMBLE
Date:   November 2, 1984
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
Mod 0077 has been replaced by 0078.
        This is a program which reads MONITOR PERFORM, DASTAP,  and USER
        records from  spool or  tape and  produces reports  showing CPU,
        channel, DASD, tape paging,  and spool utilization.   This is an
        updated  replacement of  M0066-DASTAP  on  VM/SP Release  2  and
        M0077-MONSTATS on VM/SP Release 3.
Author: Michael Tanzer, Australian Bank Limited, 395 Collins Street,
        Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia, (03) 618-9310
                 MONSTATS  MODULE
                 M0078     DOCUMENT
                 MONSTATS  ASSEMBLE
Date:   December 5, 1984
Blocks: 3 1k disk blocks.
        This consists  of a modification to  DMKLNK and a new  CP module
        'DMKCWL' that together implements an enhanced link security that
        lets a given user link to  another's minidisk(s)  as long as the
        linker has a link priority greater than or equal to the linkee's
        link privilege.    Link privilege  is specified  in the  account
        field of the directory.  For SP3.
Author: Mark Horton, Crawford Long Memorial Hospital, 35 Linden Avenue,
        Atlanta, Georgia  30365, (404) 892-4411  Ext. 474
                 M0079     DOCUMENT
                 DMKLNK    CWL001DK
                 DMKCWL    CWL001DK
                 DMKLNK    AUXLCL
                 DMKCWL    AUXLCL
                 DMKCWL    ASSEMBLE
Date:   January 15, 1985
Blocks: 6 1k disk blocks.
        A general  purpose utility for EDF  minidisks.   Can be  used to
        examine and modify individual blocks,   copy minidisks block-by-
        block,  search for data in disk blocks,  and recreate files from
        disk blocks.    DISKPRY can  be used  to diagnose  problems with
        crashed minidisks,  retrieve files accidentally erased,  and for
        salvaging data  from HDAs that are  failing.   For SP2  and SP3.
        This is an updated version of M0040.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California 94305, (415)
                 DISKPRY   MODULE
                 DISKPRY   HELPCMS
                 M0080     DOCUMENT
                 DISKPRY   ASSEMBLE
Date:   January 29, 1985
Blocks: 4 1k disk blocks.
        This is the free version of  IBM's BASIC.   It includes a number
        of enhancements and  is the replacement of M0060.    For SP2 and
Author: Kerry Anderson, University of Maine, Computing Center, Orono,
        Maine 04469, (207) 581-3508
                 BASIC     UPDT009
                 Z#COMM    UPDT008
                 SERV      UPDT008
                 Z#UTT     UPDT007
                 VERBS03   UPDT007
                 SUBSCRIT  UPDT007
                 NUCLEUS   UPDT007
                 NUC       UPDT007
                 MATVERB   UPDT007
                 IOVERBS   UPDT007
                 FORMULA   UPDT007
                 ERROR     UPDT007
                 B$PHASE   UPDT007
                 $FORMULA  UPDT007
                 Z#UTT     UPDT006
                 Z#COMM    UPDT006
                 R$PRINT   UPDT006
                 R$ERROR   UPDT006
                 NUCLEUS   UPDT006
                 NUC       UPDT006
                 B$PHASE   UPDT006
                 PRG       UPDT005
                 NUCLEUS   UPDT005
                 Z#UTT     UPDT004
                 Z#COMM    UPDT004
                 VERBS01   UPDT004
                 PUSH$     UPDT004
                 PRG       UPDT004
                 POP$      UPDT004
                 NUC       UPDT004
                 FORMULA   UPDT004
                 B$PHASE   UPDT003
                 Z#COMM    UPDT001
                 SSCISUB   UPDT001
                 PRG       UPDT001
                 NUCLEUS   UPDT001
                 B$PHASE   UPDT001
                 VERBS03   TEXT
                 VERBS01   TEXT
                 SSCISUB   TEXT
                 RGETPUT   TEXT
                 R$PRINT   TEXT
                 R$MTRIX   TEXT
                 R$MATIO   TEXT
                 R$INPUT   TEXT
                 R$ERROR   TEXT
                 NUCLEUS   TEXT
                 MATVERB   TEXT
                 IOVERBS   TEXT
                 FPEXCEP   TEXT
                 FORMULA   TEXT
                 DSCISUB   TEXT
                 BASIC     TEXT
                 B$PHASE   TEXT
                 DOCUMENT  SCRIPT
                 BASIC     MODULE
                 BASIC     MAP
                 Z#UTT     MACRO
                 Z#COMM    MACRO
                 TOPR      MACRO
                 TOP       MACRO
                 SYNERR    MACRO
                 SVC9      MACRO
                 SVC8      MACRO
                 SVC7      MACRO
                 SVC6      MACRO
                 SVC5      MACRO
                 SVC4      MACRO
                 SVC3      MACRO
                 SVC22     MACRO
                 SVC21     MACRO
                 SVC2      MACRO
                 SVC19     MACRO
                 SVC18     MACRO
                 SVC16     MACRO
                 SVC14     MACRO
                 SVC13     MACRO
                 SVC12     MACRO
                 SVC11     MACRO
                 SVC10     MACRO
                 SVC1      MACRO
                 SVC0      MACRO
                 SUBSCRIT  MACRO
                 STKR      MACRO
                 SNABORT   MACRO
                 SERV      MACRO
                 SCANS     MACRO
                 SCAN      MACRO
                 RX        MACRO
                 RSAVSF    MACRO
                 RSAVLF    MACRO
                 RSAV      MACRO
                 RS        MACRO
                 RR        MACRO
                 ROOM      MACRO
                 RLOAD     MACRO
                 RLDSF     MACRO
                 RLDLF     MACRO
                 REGDEF    MACRO
                 PUSH$     MACRO
                 POP$      MACRO
                 MROOM     MACRO
                 LDLST     MACRO
                 ISSYM     MACRO
                 IMPLY     MACRO
                 GAMES     MACRO
                 ERRSYS    MACRO
                 ERROR     MACRO
                 ERREX     MACRO
                 ERR       MACRO
                 ERMINIT   MACRO
                 ERMEXIT   MACRO
                 CARRETN   MACRO
                 ABTINIT   MACRO
                 $FORMULA  MACRO
                 BSCLIB    MACLIB
                 GENBASIC  EXEC
                 BSCLIB    EXEC
                 BASICLST  EXEC
                 M0081     DOCUMENT
                 PRG       COPY
                 NUC       COPY
                 DFT       COPY
                 BASIC     CNTRL
                 TREK2     BASIC
                 TEST1     BASIC
                 TEST      BASIC
                 PROGRAMB  BASIC
                 PROGRAMA  BASIC
                 LOVE      BASIC
                 Z#UTT     AUXPTF
                 Z#COMM    AUXPTF
                 VERBS03   AUXPTF
                 VERBS01   AUXPTF
                 SUBSCRIT  AUXPTF
                 SSCISUB   AUXPTF
                 SERV      AUXPTF
                 R$PRINT   AUXPTF
                 R$ERROR   AUXPTF
                 PUSH$     AUXPTF
                 PRG       AUXPTF
                 POP$      AUXPTF
                 NUCLEUS   AUXPTF
                 NUC       AUXPTF
                 MATVERB   AUXPTF
                 IOVERBS   AUXPTF
                 FORMULA   AUXPTF
                 ERROR     AUXPTF
                 BASIC     AUXPTF
                 B$PHASE   AUXPTF
                 $FORMULA  AUXPTF
                 VERBS03   ASSEMBLE
                 VERBS01   ASSEMBLE
                 SSCISUB   ASSEMBLE
                 RGETPUT   ASSEMBLE
                 R$PRINT   ASSEMBLE
                 R$MTRIX   ASSEMBLE
                 R$MATIO   ASSEMBLE
                 R$INPUT   ASSEMBLE
                 R$ERROR   ASSEMBLE
                 NUCLEUS   ASSEMBLE
                 MATVERB   ASSEMBLE
                 IOVERBS   ASSEMBLE
                 FPEXCEP   ASSEMBLE
                 FORMULA   ASSEMBLE
                 DSCISUB   ASSEMBLE
                 BASIC     ASSEMBLE
                 B$PHASE   ASSEMBLE
Date:   February 18, 1985
Blocks: 168 1k disk blocks.
M0082:  CTRACE
        This set of two assembler language programs makes it possible to
        add a trace  table to CMS.   Tracing can be  started and stopped
        whenever desired,   and the contents of  the trace table  can be
        typed at  the terminal.   This is  an updated version  of M0068.
        For SP3.
Author: Richard (Dick) Johnson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, P.O.
        Box 4349, Mail Bin 97, Stanford, California  94305, (415)
                 PSWHOOK   MODULE
                 CTRACE    MODULE
                 CTRACE    HELPCMS
                 M0082     DOCUMENT
                 PSWHOOK   ASSEMBLE
                 CTRACE    ASSEMBLE
Date:   March 28, 1985
Blocks: 6 1k disk blocks.
        CPWATCH is an online resource usage monitor for VM/370.  It dis-
        plays in  realtime enough  about the current  activity of  CP to
        allow an intuitive grasp of system load, gross conflict, and the
        currently active users.   This version,  4.3,  is operational on
        VM/SP1, 2, and 3, VM/HPO 3.0 and 3.2,  and should work on BSEP 2
        and VM/370 Release 6.  It now includes a VMCF interface to allow
        access to the display screens by a logged-on CMS user.
Author: Gary George, Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta,, 9912 - 107
        Street, Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 2S5, (403) 427-1013
                 CPWDSP    X00020
                 CPWCMS    U00023
                 CPWSYS    U00022
                 CPWUSR    U00021
                 CPWSUP    U00020
                 CPWDSP    U00020
                 CPWDSC    U00020
                 CPWCMS    U00020
                 DSPENTRY  U00019
                 CPWSUPG   U00019
                 CPWSUP    U00019
                 CPWPRM    U00019
                 CPWMAN    U00019
                 CPWEND    U00019
                 CPWDSP    U00019
                 CPWDSC    U00019
                 CPWDEV    U00018
                 DEVENTRY  U00017
                 CPWSUPG   U00017
                 CPWSUP    U00017
                 CPWPRM    U00017
                 CPWMAN    U00017
                 CPWEND    U00017
                 CPWDSP    U00017
                 CPWDSC    U00017
                 CPWPRM    U00016
                 CPWDSP    U00015
                 CPWPRM    U00014
                 CPWDEV    U00013
                 CPWUSR    U00012
                 CPWSYS    U00012
                 CPWSUP    U00012
                 CPWMAN    U00012
                 CPWEND    U00012
                 CPWDSP    U00012
                 CPWDSE    U00012
                 CPWDSC    U00012
                 CPWDEV    U00012
                 CPWUSR    U00011
                 CPWSYS    U00011
                 CPWSUPG   U00011
                 CPWSUP    U00011
                 CPWMAN    U00011
                 CPWEND    U00011
                 CPWDSP    U00011
                 CPWDSE    U00011
                 CPWDEV    U00011
                 CPWPRM    U00009
                 CPWSUP    U00008
                 CPWUSR    U00007
                 CPWSYS    U00007
                 CPWSUPG   U00007
                 CPWSUP    U00007
                 CPWPRM    U00007
                 CPWMAN    U00007
                 MODULE    U00006
                 CPWSUP    U00006
                 CPWDSE    U00006
                 CPWSUP    U00005
                 CPWSYS    U00004
                 CPWSUP    U00004
                 CPWSYS    U00003
                 CPWSUP    U00003
                 CPWUSR    U00002
                 CPWSYS    U00002
                 CPWSUP    U00002
                 CPWUSR    U00001
                 CPWSYS    U00001
                 CPWSUP    U00001
                 CPWMAN    U00001
                 CPWEND    U00001
                 CPWDSP    U00001
                 CPWDEV    U00001
                 CPWASM    U00001
                 CPWUSR    TXTSP31
                 CPWDEV    TXTSP31
                 CPWUSR    TXTSP21
                 CPWSYS    TXTSP21
                 CPWMAN    TXTSP21
                 CPWDEV    TXTSP21
                 CPWUSR    TXTSP11
                 CPWSYS    TXTSP11
                 CPWMAN    TXTSP11
                 CPWDEV    TXTSP11
                 CPWSYS    TXTSP
                 CPWSUP    TXTR6
                 CPWEND    TXTR6
                 CPWDSP    TXTR6
                 CPWASM    TXTR6
                 CPWUSR    TXTH32
                 CPWDEV    TXTH32
                 CPWUSR    TXTH30
                 CPWMAN    TXTH30
                 CPWDEV    TXTH30
                 CPWSUP    TEXT
                 CPWLVL    TEXT
                 CPWEND    TEXT
                 CPWDSP    TEXT
                 CPWCMS    TEXT
                 CPWUSR    S31-001
                 CPWDEV    S31-001
                 CPWUSR    S21001
                 CPWSYS    S21001
                 CPWMAN    S21001
                 CPWDSE    S21001
                 CPWDEV    S21001
                 CPWUSR    S11001
                 CPWSYS    S11001
                 CPWMAN    S11001
                 CPWDSE    S11001
                 CPWDEV    S11001
                 CPWSYS    S00011
                 CPWDSC    S00011
                 CPWSYS    S00010
                 CPWUSR    S00009
                 CPWSYS    S00009
                 CPWPRM    S00009
                 CPWDSE    S00009
                 CPWDEV    S00009
                 CPWDEV    SP31-001
                 CPWATCH   SCRIPT
                 CPWLVL    MODULE
                 CPWCMS    MODULE
                 CPWCMS    MAP
                 WTO       MACRO
                 WAIT      MACRO
                 STORAGE   MACRO
                 SPRED1    MACRO
                 SPRED0    MACRO
                 SPOPTION  MACRO
                 SPNEST    MACRO
                 SPLABEL   MACRO
                 SPENDCHK  MACRO
                 SPARSE    MACRO
                 SETIME    MACRO
                 PROC      MACRO
                 MODULE    MACRO
                 IF        MACRO
                 EDITD     MACRO
                 DSUB      MACRO
                 DSPENTRY  MACRO
                 DO        MACRO
                 DIAG      MACRO
                 DEVENTRY  MACRO
                 DCPLIST   MACRO
                 DCP       MACRO
                 DATA      MACRO
                 CPWSVC    MACRO
                 CPWSUPG   MACRO
                 CMD       MACRO
                 CALL      MACRO
                 CPWMSP    MACLIB
                 CPWMBSE   MACLIB
                 CPWMAC    MACLIB
                 CPWLVL    LVL003
                 CPWLVL    LVL002
                 CPWLVL    LVL001
                 USER      LISTING
                 INSTALL   LISTING
                 CPWUSR    H32-001
                 CPWDEV    H32-001
                 CPWUSR    H30001
                 CPWMAN    H30001
                 CPWDEV    H30001
                 PROFILE   EXEC
                 CPWMSP    EXEC
                 CPWMBSE   EXEC
                 CPWMAC    EXEC
                 CPWDUMP   EXEC
                 CPWATCHX  EXEC
                 CPWATCH   EXEC
                 ASMCPW    EXEC
                 M0083     DOCUMENT
                 CPWLVL    DATA
                 SPASSEM   COPY
                 CPWPRM    COPY
                 CPWMSP    COPY
                 CPWMBSE   COPY
                 CPWMAC    COPY
                 CPWDSC    COPY
                 CPWUTL    CNTRL
                 CPWTEST   CNTRL
                 CPWSP31   CNTRL
                 CPWSP21   CNTRL
                 CPWSP20   CNTRL
                 CPWSP11   CNTRL
                 CPWSP     CNTRL
                 CPWR6     CNTRL
                 CPWLVL    CNTRL
                 CPWH34    CNTRL
                 CPWH32    CNTRL
                 CPWH30    CNTRL
                 CPWBSE    CNTRL
                 CPWUSR    B00009
                 CPWSYS    B00009
                 CPWPRM    B00009
                 CPWDEV    B00009
                 MODULE    AUXUPDT
                 DSPENTRY  AUXUPDT
                 DEVENTRY  AUXUPDT
                 CPWUSR    AUXUPDT
                 CPWSYS    AUXUPDT
                 CPWSUPG   AUXUPDT
                 CPWSUP    AUXUPDT
                 CPWPRM    AUXUPDT
                 CPWMAN    AUXUPDT
                 CPWLVL    AUXUPDT
                 CPWEND    AUXUPDT
                 CPWDSP    AUXUPDT
                 CPWDSE    AUXUPDT
                 CPWDSC    AUXUPDT
                 CPWDEV    AUXUPDT
                 CPWCMS    AUXUPDT
                 CPWASM    AUXUPDT
                 CPWSUP    AUXTEST
                 CPWUSR    AUXSP31
                 CPWDEV    AUXSP31
                 CPWUSR    AUXSP21
                 CPWSYS    AUXSP21
                 CPWMAN    AUXSP21
                 CPWDSE    AUXSP21
                 CPWDEV    AUXSP21
                 CPWUSR    AUXSP11
                 CPWSYS    AUXSP11
                 CPWMAN    AUXSP11
                 CPWDSE    AUXSP11
                 CPWDEV    AUXSP11
                 CPWUSR    AUXSP
                 CPWSYS    AUXSP
                 CPWPRM    AUXSP
                 CPWDSE    AUXSP
                 CPWDSC    AUXSP
                 CPWDEV    AUXSP
                 CPWUSR    AUXH32
                 CPWDEV    AUXH32
                 CPWUSR    AUXH30
                 CPWMAN    AUXH30
                 CPWDEV    AUXH30
                 CPWUSR    AUXBSE
                 CPWSYS    AUXBSE
                 CPWPRM    AUXBSE
                 CPWDEV    AUXBSE
                 CPWUSR    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWSYS    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWSUP    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWMAN    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWLVL    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWEND    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWDSP    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWDSE    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWDEV    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWCMS    ASSEMBLE
                 CPWASM    ASSEMBLE
Date:   March 28, 1985
Blocks: 253 1k disk blocks.